The Mind's Eye

The Mind's Eye . . . the ability to "see" things with the mind. Which is essentially a reference to things imagined. Imagination...the creation of images and/or ideas that don't already exist. Sit back, relax and "watch" as my mind's eye reflects my imagination.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I am an aspiring writer out of NC. I started writing at the age of 14 with simple poems and stories. Which finally turned into a full fledged novel. I have 2 in the works. I enjoy "attempting" to play the guitar.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Cancer, Politics and Voting

*The views and opinions of this blog are those solely of the blog owner...ME*

Okay so cancer is running rampant among Americans not just African Americans. My father lost his battle in November of 2007. A coworker lost hers February of this year (2008). What I don't quite understand is why the Democrats and Republicans are able to raise billions of dollars for campaigns for numerous things like taxes...and more taxes and health insurance BUT none of them speak on raising money to fight the cure for cancer. Seems a bit strange to me. Everyone is raising money to fight cancer and find the cure but where is all the money that has previously been raised?

I have always wondered why we never hear of political figures being diagnosed with cancer. I mean, it's just a thought but while reading this if you know of someone, please feel free to let me know because I know of no one.

In all honesty, I do believe the cure for cancer is sitting in some one's lab inside a freezer inside a safe and only certain people have access to it (politics!). But like I said, this is just a personal opinion.

This is just something for you to think about...

If the cure for cancer was made available to the people think of how many doctors would go out of business. How many companies that make chemo and other medicines used to treat and/or help people with cancer would fall through the cracks? The medicines only seem to make patients more and more dependant on them, thus, more money being spent buying them. One drug prevents on thing but the side effects calls for another drug. In the end, a mixture of drugs are being given to patients which in the end is making them sicker and much weaker. But once again, these are just personal opinions.

I doubt if I vote this year. I haven't heard much talk about fighting to save cancer patients' lives during the campaigns so...until I hear something, I'm not voting. Cancer is very serious and I wasn't as conscious about it before as I am now due to my father. I won't vote for Hilary JUST because she's a woman. I won't vote for Obama JUST because he's African American. Give me one willing to fight and save the lives of people suffering from this horrible disease and they'll have my vote.

*The views and opinions of this blog are those solely of the owner...ME*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting post.

8:20 PM  
Blogger David said...

Yatti, believe it or not, I have wrote at least 3 long papers during my years in shcool on the exact same thoughts. Cancer and AIDS. I believe the cures for both exist but it is a money and political thing where only a select few have accesss to it. My words exactly. Glad to know the truth is being spread; just not enough to the extent of these illnesses.

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very insightful information. Can you imagine, someone could actually have a cure for cancer!!! Well, man's form of a cure ANYWAY. We do have a true cure........Jesus's healing power!!

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know...I have been saying for a while now that voting is just a way to shackle our long as we think we make a difference we will never make a many people vote because they feel its their duty but your post is a prime example of why voting was just the stepping stone to a greater end...I think rather than choose between choices that are given we should be forcing the system to give us choices worth long as you can get the milk for free why buy the cow...think about it...I know I went on a small tangent but I think this directly relates to the countless avoided issues that go ignored in lieu of personal political gain...yep I said it

4:18 PM  
Blogger Dijea said...

My husband works in a cancer center. You would not believe some of the stuff he tells me. They offer cancer screenings every year. Several people were told they had something that needed to be checked out further. They wanted to go see their regular doctor and the regular doctor told them the center was trying to take their money. Now 5 are dying because the cancer has sat in their bodies for two years unchecked.

Not only that, the members of the government have such better healthcare than the average American.

I think that half of the problem is technology. The preservatives are killing us, the pollution is killing us, we are failing to do the things we need to to stay healthy.

You are an excellent writer. I can't wait to come back again.

10:33 PM  

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