The Mind's Eye

The Mind's Eye . . . the ability to "see" things with the mind. Which is essentially a reference to things imagined. Imagination...the creation of images and/or ideas that don't already exist. Sit back, relax and "watch" as my mind's eye reflects my imagination.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I am an aspiring writer out of NC. I started writing at the age of 14 with simple poems and stories. Which finally turned into a full fledged novel. I have 2 in the works. I enjoy "attempting" to play the guitar.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Al Sharpton...Hypocrite? Yup!

Now I am not one to really post on controversial things. Simply because I sometimes like to keep my thoughts to myself. Only because I know they may not be the politically correct thought or feeling. Don Imus...okay so he called them some nappy headed ho's. Now personally, I saw some rough looking pictures of those girls and...well let's just say his "views" didn't go unfounded. I may have kinda sorta saw what he saw but...that's just me. **If you got upset with this comment, this is the reason I don't post about shi*t like this** The man has a right to an opinion.

I personally think Al Sharpton took the whole incident a little too far. I honestly think the girls would have been content with a formal and public apology from Mr. Imus. But as usual Al Sharpton injected himself in the situation and made quite a large deal out of it. In the end, what Mr. Sharpton wanted was granted: Don Imus was FIRED!

Now, on to the reason for this post...Al Sharpton wanted Mr. Imus fired for his "racial" slur but I saw a picture of him in JET Magazine laughing and cutting the shit with 50 cent when 50 calls females bitches, ho's, sluts, tramps and any other degrading words toward women. You can't NOT (double negative, I know. It's done purposely) accept what Imus said and socialize with 50 when he's doing the same things and using harsher words. I fail to understand why it is soooo wrong for Mr. Imus, who I am to assume is white, to say words that fail to compare to words 50 uses. Does anyone else ever have that thought?

I just read an article saying that Mr. Sharpton wouldn't object to Mr. Imus getting his job back as a radio personality. Then what the hell was the point in getting him fired? He made a HUGE uproar, accomplished his goal and then when it blows over, he just brushes it off. Personally the whole situation was blown totally out of proportion, Al Sharpton is a complete hypocrite, especially in this situation, and at the end of the day, those girls will still look the same and 50 will continue to call us women whatever the hell he wants to and Al Sharpton will CONTINUE to talk with him as if it is okay. Why is it okay for one and not the other?

Al Sharpton=hypocrisy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a good read and you raise alot of good points. I like Al alot but we but we all have our hypocrisy's and he definitely has a yearning for the spotlight... maybe one day he will really use it for the good of the People and not for himself

12:46 AM  
Blogger Me, Myself, and I said...

Great post, sista! You points were very valid. As j.w. stated, everyone has hypocrisies, but I think it makes the situation worse when you're in the public eye and you're supposed to be making a difference for your people...on a lighter note...You've been TAGGED! :)

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know of you and see you from time to time and I've read some of your postings - it changes every impression I've ever had of you. Do what you do, be who and what you want to be - it only matters to the one above! r

10:11 AM  

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