The Mind's Eye

The Mind's Eye . . . the ability to "see" things with the mind. Which is essentially a reference to things imagined. Imagination...the creation of images and/or ideas that don't already exist. Sit back, relax and "watch" as my mind's eye reflects my imagination.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I am an aspiring writer out of NC. I started writing at the age of 14 with simple poems and stories. Which finally turned into a full fledged novel. I have 2 in the works. I enjoy "attempting" to play the guitar.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Closer; Goapele's words... thoughts

Sometimes you just have to let it go
(let it go, let it go)
Leaving all my fears to burn and die
Push them all away so I can move on
Closer to my dreams
Feel it all over my being(my being)
Close your eyes and seek what you believe
The path is long(the path is long)
But I'm moving home to my dreams
(I'll be moving on)

The more I grow as a writer, the more I pay attention to life and things that surround me. Including people. My people, my family and friends. Those who know me know where my passions lie. They don't lie in my place of business, they don't lie in a school standing in front of students. My passions lie inside of books, mine and others. My passions lie inside ink pens and pencils. I write. Writing is what I do, it's what and who I am.

As I write, I encounter negative vibes on a continuous basis. The conversations usually go something like this...
Them "What is it that you want to do in your life? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
Me"I'm a writer. Hopefully in 5 years I'll be an established author with numerous works under by belt. Writing is what I do, it's what I love."
Them " That's cute. But how will you make money?"
Me "I don't write for money. I write because it helps me exhale. It's part of who I am.
Them "Oh well, okay then"

See, shit like that irritates me. But what they don't know is that the more I grow, the more I learn to feed off that negativity. The more negativity that comes my way, the closer I feel to my writing. The closer I get to being where I want to be as a writer. I get closer and closer to my dreams with every bad thought and every nay-sayer that I am faced with. What people understand is that everyone is given a talent/gift from God and what you do with that talent/gift is your gift back to him. If I know there is something in me that can change the world or make people understand me and hopefully understand themselves, why would I not want to put it out there?

In one of my first posts on this blog, I posted about a random email I got from someone that just happened to literally stumble across an article I wrote. That's why I do this. I do this for everyone else more than I do this for myself and definitely more than I do for money. I have been writing for years and haven't received a dime. Why? Because writing is who I am. Granted, the negativity can take its toll on a person and it can definitely make you second guess yourself in the worst way. But at the end of the day, I can't deny what I do. I can't deny who I am. I can't deny me!!!

Back to the topic of this. Closer. Goapele. With all the things that are happening and the people I am meeting, I feel myself and know in my heart that at the end of the day, I am so much closer to my dream than I was the day before. Watch out world, I...Am...Here...!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Them "What is it that you want to do in your life? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" WoW, I find it interesting that you deem this as a source of negativity. Perhaps it is directly related to this particular conversation. Switching gears I found that you are a very insightful young lady with unlimited potential. A young lady with an "old soul". Hopefully you will become "Closer" to achieving your goal of being a published world renowned author. Your 3rd eye is very creative and I look forward to reading more of your works.


8:02 AM  
Blogger Me, Myself, and I said...

I hear you, sis. Just keep doing you and what makes you happy. No one has to agree with what you do or want to do. As long as it sits well within you, that's all that matters. THAT'S ALL THAT SHOULD MATTER.

9:36 PM  

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